Democracy India

I wrote this, heavily inspired by Leonard Cohen's 'Democracy'. Written as a reaction to recent hope and turmoil in the nation.

It’s coming through a late night share
on twitter, facebook and foursquare
It’s coming on the newsreel
colored with a saviour’s zeal
It’s coming right knocking on the door
in the form of welfare taxes to pay for
in the form of state sponsored meal
and in the form of an employment deal

It’s watching you, every second you exist
protect it must, says it, us from all the ists
It’s here in the laws that dictate
who you can love, and who you can hate
that before marriage, do not fornicate
It’s here in the judgements
delivered by men of law and the lathi
executed by those in the dhoti and khaki
on behavior and length of the garments
It’s democracy, everyone has a say

It is coming through the holes underground
from which fires and the metals originate
fuelling wealth, war, hope and despair
It is passing through the high rises
where the dreams and net worths sway
It is travelling in the deep forests
where bamboo totting tribals agitate
alongwith those who say
let’s start again, with a clean slate
Democracy is, after all, not a classless state

It is built on the expensive real estate
near walled gardens and the 6-lane highways
Also in the SEZs and factories red-taped
It is distributed with licenses, real and faked
for liquor, lives and spectral waves
It feeds on pre-election free giveaways
waivers, subsidies and other vote bank dole
thrown down the gaping fiscal hole
It’s Democracy, everybody enjoys equally
and some sucker will pay, eventually

It has its own holymen and the gods
made-up messiahs on the pulpits high
pregnant with promises of equality and liberty
from the evil clutches of priesthood and property,
Or maybe, it’s just another ponzi scheme
just another actor, in the long running theme
but vote them up and vote them more
and just hope, they are somewhat better
than those who came before

Celebrate, it is now entrenched well
in the forgotten ghettos, where minorities dwell
in the secular spaces, where castes meet
in noisy screens, where celebrities tweet
in the concerns and anxieties of the swelling horde
uninterrupted, painted daily on an Amul billboard

They doubted first, if here, it would stay
but the founding fathers, otherwise they believed
it is here that we have the disparity
and the much celebrated diversity
the fertile salad bowl for democracy
they knew, everyone will realize, the mockery
why pick up a gun, to start afresh
when a vote gets you, your pound of flesh

I am not fundamental, but concerned at the scene
this SMS pied-piper march to a burial site
behind a love-all, serve-all smokescreen
But I will catch the news later tonight
to check if some things are left,
and if someone is right
and hope, that good intentions
do not pave this road straight
Meanwhile, you!
hold this mike and discuss the growth rate

It’s a party! big, fat and great


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