Random Graphs about life right now

Most of the insti bloggers have gone dead. Few of them have been posting ....and even who are...are posting pretty much ...I was thinking about blogging and something came to my mind.

song chart memes
see more Funny Graphs

and yes, one of my friend was listening to lots of heavy metal yesterday on his fake Zune player....and

song chart memes
see more Funny Graphs

and yes, since people are interning at many COOOOL places, and they will meet lots and lots of other people.....(references to a certain Shaastra core who will Evolve a lot this summer)...a graph for them as well

song chart memes
see more Funny Graphs

and yes...something about myself...

this is the edited one....the previous one was deleted

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

and yes edited on monday evening

funny pictures
moar funny pictures


  1. I think you did some blogging aloud, as one would think aloud. Check the last graph.

  2. um.. The friday graph has you both "thinking about that girl in the other room", and "fantasizing about the hot guy sitting next to you". um. just thought I'd point that out.

  3. Everything's fine, bt what the hell of "fantasizing about the hot guy sitting next to me" !!!

    WTF shiv, arent u out of NIFT yet ?

  4. kya yaar arbit !!!! kya ho gaya yaar tere ko ??


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